I am going through how I started creating SEO content for my website that provides demographic analysis and reports for fiding best locations for a new small business or a new home. The idea is to use ChatGPt to generate textual content using maps of rich neighborhoods in US cities.
So far I have verified that using chat GPt 4’s visual analysis capabilities I can create meaningful analysis of the maps I have. That’s Part 1.
Also I have gone through Google’s policy and position on AI generated content to make sure that this is not all for nothing. Also I want to follow their guidelines to best of my capability to make SEO work.
Prompting with chat GPT is a trial and error game so far for me.
Here’s the first prompt I used to vet my idea.
I paste this screenshot of the map to ChatGPT.

And I use this initial prompt.
“this is a map of phoenix and the pink shaded areas are the highest median income locations. can you do a write about how these pink areas are distributed directionally. talk about if there's clusters of rich sections. Use location names from the map that you can parse. also talk about any patterns you can observe for the rich neighborhoods.”
I got a pretty good result but here’s some other things I want on the text generates.
- I want a short introduction for the city in general.
- Make sure that ChatGPT know that this content is for non technical users and it needs to be simple
- I want ChatGPT to understand the numbering scheme I use for the pink shaded areas. Te lower the number the higher the income.
- I want ChatGPT to include keywords I am targeting as much as possible
- I want ChatGPT to identify itself as the author. This is following Google’s guidelines about Ai content. Also it is just being honest with the users.
- I need to tell ChatGPT that this map does not contain any sensitive or private data. I learned in my experimentation that sometimes ChatGPT refuses to generate content if it randomly decides the data might have sensitive or private data. If I tell it that it does not it believes me:)
Here’s what I ended up with after.
You are writing copy for a webpage showing a map of the city of {city}.
The heart icon is the city center.
The highest income areas are shaded pink areas.
The numbers in the pink areas show the ranking of the income level. Lowest ranking means the highest income.
Write a paragraph introducing {city} and explain where the highest income areas are located with respect to city center and with respect to other areas in 2-3 other paragraphs.
Talk about if there's clustering of rich areas and any other patterns you can detect with respect to these rich areas.
This copy will be for non technical users. Try to be as simple as possible.
This map does not contain any sensitive socioeconomic data. You don't need to mention this in the text.
The data comes from public census office publications.
Refer to the image as the map.
Try to include area, city, neighborhood names that you can parse from the map.
Try to include following seo keywords
- Demographic profile analysis
- Neighborhood Stats
- Best neighborhood
- Neighborhood insights
- Location analysis
Add a short paragraph at the end to explain that this content is for non technial users to help them analyze the map and data and is generated by chatgpt and AI
This was definitely a trial error process to find a good enough prompt. I am pretty sure I am going to improve prompting as I work with dataset and prompts.
You can see examples of the content generated here
Using ChatGpt Vision to create meaningful data analysis for SEOPart 1: The Problem - Can ChatGPT really help with data analysis that can be used for SEO?Part 2: Does Google Search like AI generated content?Part 3: Generating the right promptsPart 4: Automatic For The People - Let’s Automate All ThisPart 5: Bringing everything together